Monday, September 28, 2009

Tongkat Ali Drinking Cup easy way of getting fresh tongkat ali extract..via this nice local made cup@ mug from tongkat ali root. Just pour some hot water inside the cup..wait for 2 minutes..then drink the water..If you want this product please e-mail me..

Monday, August 24, 2009

Tongkat Ali Pulp

Ripe tongkat ali fruits, produce a dark color pulp..This pulp can be consume, according to the orang kampung. Its was said to contain the same ingredients as the roots. But to consume this bitter fruits, one must know how to consume. Take 1/3 of the fruits pulp only and put into a glass of hot water or tea@ coffee to reduce the bitterness..Remember, according to orang kampungs you can consume only 1/3 of the fruits..the 2/3 you have to consume on the next 2 days

Thursday, August 20, 2009

A to Z seeds planting of tongkat ali

my latest experiment is to plant tongkat ali seeds..As today I already soak the tongkat ali seeds into a water bottle..I will left it for 24 hours to see what will happen. Below are few pics of tongkat ali seeds gerimination without proper methods. I will compared the seed germination for both with treatment and without treatments.
Tongkat ali seed

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Welcome to my orchard

As of yesterday...3 official visit by relevant agency visited my orchard..Its is a very fruitful discussion on how to make use and also to grow tongkat ali better..

Yesterday visit was from IDS (Institute of development Study) lead by Mr justin. While mr Moses was from Universiti Malaya.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Tongkat Ali new Leaf!!!!

I thought my tongkat ali already gone...fuhhhh..but this morning when I saw the new shoots wow....
as of yesterday(8 august)..the new shoot became leaf already

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Tongkat Ali Variety?

Through some readings and observation, I found out that there are few varieties of tongkat alir, by observing the fruits flower. There are red, yellow and green tongkat ali fruits..the size also differs.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Newspaper clipping

sources: berita sawit..Berita Harian

Integrasi sawit, tongkat ali tingkat pendapatan

Oleh Haryani Ngah

USAHA meningkatkan ekonomi pekebun kecil adalah antara perkara yang dititik beratkan oleh Lembaga Minyak Sawit Malaysia (MPOB).

Bagi melaksanakan matlamat itu, tanaman integrasi dengan sawit dilihat mampu meningkatkan pendapatan pekebun.

Bertempat di tapak tanaman integrasi yang terletak kira-kira lima kilometer dari terminal Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Kuala Lumpur (KLIA) di Sepang, MPOB menjalankan aktiviti tanaman integrasi bagi projek tanaman semula sawit di tapak milik Malaysia Airport Berhad (MAB).

Di kawasan seluas 155 hektar itu, MPOB menanam pelbagai jenis tanaman secara integrasi dengan sawit antaranya pisang, kacang tanah, tebu, kacang soya, nanas, jagung dan tongkat Ali.

Di antara tanaman integrasi itu, MPOB melihat tongkat ali mempunyai kelebihan untuk usahakan.

Tongkat ali yang ditanam ini adalah daripada jenis eurycoma longifolia iaitu jenis komersial dan jenis ini sangat baik untuk kesihatan seks lelaki di samping mencegah barah, memberikan tenaga, meningkatkan daya ketahanan badan dan menjadi ubat bagi malaria.

Pegawai Penyelidik MPOB, Norkhaspi Khasim, berkata di samping memastikan industri sawit terus melonjak maju, MPOB turut melihat kepentingan untuk memaju industri herba dan memilih tongkat ali sebagai tanaman integrasi yang boleh diusahakan oleh pekebun kecil.

“Selama ini tongkat ali banyak diambil daripada sumber hutan asli dan ia tidak tahan lama kerana lama-kelamaan ia akan berkurangan seterusnya pupus.

“Sehubungan itu kami memilih untuk melaksanakan integrasi bagi tanaman ini dengan tujuan memastikan ia terus berdaya maju dan kekal.

“Kami melihat kawasan yang sesuai dan masih banyak untuk diusahakan adalah ladang sawit dan untuk itu kita mencuba melakukan model tanaman dengan cara menanam sawit dengan diikuti tanaman tongkat Ali dan pada masa aktiviti ini tidak menjejaskan hasil sawit,” katanya.

Norkhaspi berkata, produktiviti daripada sistem integrasi lebih tinggi kerana sistem itu memberikan dua atau lebih hasil daripada sebidang tanah yang diusahakan selain daripada hasil buah sawit.

Konsep integrasi bagi tanaman tongkat ali dilakukan dengan menggunakan sistem dua baris kembar sawit.

Sistem dua baris kembar disyorkan bagi tanaman sawit secara integrasi untuk tempoh lebih tiga tahun membabitkan kepadatan sawit 136 pokok sehektar.

Antara kelebihan integrasi dengan tongkat ali adalah kerana ia dapat memaksimumkan penggunaan tanah dan meningkatkan produktiviti hasil ladang di mana pekebun berupaya meraih dua jenis hasil tanaman dalam satu masa.

Hasil buah sawit di ladang yang menjalankan aktiviti integrasi juga didapati lebih tinggi berbanding tanaman sawit tanpa integrasi.

Norkhaspi berkata, tongkat ali sesuai ditanam di kawasan tanah mineral dan menerusi cara penanam secara dua baris kembar ia dapat menghasilkan 1,900 pokok sehektar membabitkan jarak tanaman 2x1.

Berdasarkan analisa ekonomi, hasil yang dianggarkan diperoleh adalah sebanyak 1,003 kilogram akar kering pada anggaran harga RM28 sekilogram.

Dianggarkan untung kasar yang diperoleh adalah RM28,084, manakala untung bersih adalah RM9,344. Anggaran itu dibuat ke atas 80 peratus hasil tuaian daripada jumlah keseluruhan pokok yang ditanam.

Mengulas cara penanaman pokok tongkat ali, Norkhaspi berkata, ia adalah tidak sukar seperti disangkakan.

Peringkat awal, tanaman ini ia perlu dinaungi tetapi dengan penjagaan yang betul penanam pokok ini dilihat tidak remeh dengan syarat pokok ini ditanam dengan menggunakan benih berkualiti.

Bagi pekebun kecil yang berminat untuk menanam tongkat ali di kebun mereka, MPOB ada menyediakan khidmat nasihat .

Berdasarkan kajian didapati purata ketinggiannya adalah 5.50 meter sepokok, diameter batang pokok (7.4 sentimeter), berat segar akar (1.6kg), berat selepas dikeringkan (0.66kg), analisa ekstrak dalam bentuk debu 30g dan jumlah eurycomanone iaitu bahagian terpenting dalam tongkat Ali adalah sebanyak 163.1 mikrogram.

Tongkat ali boleh dituai pada usia empat tahun, bagaimanapun jika ditanam dalam tempoh lebih lama ia akan memberi hasil yang lebih bermutu.

Di samping mendapat hasil tongkat ali, pekebun juga sudah mula mencatat rekod hasil sawit.

Berdasarkan analisa ekonomi, sekiranya sebanyak RM1 dilabur untuk aktiviti penanam ini, pekebun akan meraih RM1.50 iaitu lebihan sebanyak 50 sen.

Laporan akhbar New Straits Times, Januari lalu, sebanyak 182 hektar pokok tongkat ali ditanam oleh sektor awam termasuk 15 hektar milik MPOB, manakala 29 hektar ditanam oleh swasta dan individu.

Pokok tongkat ali ini tidak hanya ditanam secara integrasi dengan tanaman sawit tetapi juga tanaman-tanaman lain.

“Penanam tongkat ali dilihat mampu memberi pulangan baik memandangkan permintaan ke atas herba ini adalah berjumlah 476,325kg untuk industri herba, manakala untuk tongkat Ali sebanyak 54,180kg diperlukan setahun,” katanya.

sources :

Kota Marudu To Emerge As Centre For Tongkat Ali Processing

KOTA KINABALU, Dec 29 (Bernama) -- Kota Marudu district is expected to emerge as a centre for processing Tongkat Ali products so as to further develop and add value to the production of the popular herb.

Science, Technology and Innovation Minister Datuk Dr Maximus Ongkili, who is also Kota Marudu Member of Parliament, said the district was the largest producer of Tongkat Ali in Sabah with most of the harvest exported as raw material to West Malaysia and nearby countries.

"The Tongkat Ali plant or eurycoma longifolia is a popular herbal plant because of its high content of antioxidant and perceived aphrodisiac effects.

"The plant grows well naturally in the wild of the Langkon area but has since been over-harvested to the extent whereby the numbers had dwindled.

"So, the setting up of a centre would encourage widespread planting of Tongkat Ali plants using improved local variety and a processing technology that will add value to the product and improve income," he said in a statement Monday.

According to Dr Maximus, some 70 farmers would be involved in the project.


Datuk Dr Abdul Rashid Ab Malik, deputy director-general of Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM), said the sustainable supply of Tongkat Ali is a huge concern that needs immediate attention.

He added: 'The Tongkat Ali plant takes five to seven years to mature. The sustainable supply of Tongkat Ali is about 100 tonnes a year from the government and the private sector.

'The government has 167ha of this plant and the private sector about 29ha, mainly in Kelantan, Pahang, Selangor and Negri Sembilan.'

'The problem is that our future needs will be larger and we need bigger players to sustain the current demand.'

This should be an immediate concern to Malaysian men as Tongkat Ali has penetrated the Japanese market, bringing in about RM3.8 billion ($1.6 billion) a year.

'The Japanese demand is expected to increase and Tongkat Ali exports to Japan are expected to be worth RM8 billion next year.'

Even without the Japanese factor, there will be a shortage in four to five years as there are no big players who are continuously planting the tree that will be producing the herb, he said.
Dr Rashid knows because FRIM monitors the commercial planting of Tongkat Ali.

The price of this plant, he said, might also not be as affordable as it is now. 'When there are no more natural sources of Tongkat Ali, the price is going to go up.'

Increasing demand from other countries is also causing prices to skyrocket, said Dr Rashid.
'On a trip to the United States, I found Tongkat Ali products on the shelves. The extract is sent overseas and packaged there. In one store, our famous herb is called 'Long Jack'.

'Tongkat Ali has male enhancing properties, like a form of steroid, but is safe and natural.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


One of the best way to get tongkat ali seedling is via are wilding in my tongkat ali stands.

Anybody dare to eat tongkat ali seeds? My father been eating tongkat ali seeds for healt purpose. According to him, he take tongkat ali seed once in 3 days..Now he feel very energetic..I think its because of tongkat ali can give you better blood circulation.

Tongkat ali seeds

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Tongkat Ali seddlings For sale

Tongkat Ali seedlings for sale rm10/ seedlings...

If you plan to have a nice landscape in your house compound area, try planting tongkat ali. This trees is very nice to Its grow straight and the leaves also very seldom drop off...I already plant in front of my house in Taman Ria you all know the soil condition for taman perumahan is unfertilized..but this Tongkat Ali still manage to grow well..

If you interested to plant tongkat ali as a landscape feature..just call me..I can arrange my man to plant itu for you..

Cost of planting:::

Seedling Rm10 each
Plant at less 5 trees..cost you rm50..
Maintenance is very low for this tree

after 5 have an option to pull out the roots or just left it behind..if you pull out the price now is rm30/kg..a 5 years old tree can produce up to 5kg of roots..and you get RM150... for 5 tress you get RM750...your cost only rm50!!!!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

How to plant tongkat ali

Tongkat ali can be plant on any soil condition, but I prefer to plant in a sandy soil type. Latest price for a fully harden tongkat ali seedlings available at rm10/ trees. The above picture were taken from my nursery. During transport, good care of the seedling must be done. This seedling is very sensitive to vibration. Normal planting practices applied during the planting stage. You either can put fertilizer to the soil or just plant it directly. But tongkat ali seedling don't need to be fertilize very often..for me I just don't do any fertilizing regime.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Tongkat Ali @ Eurycoma


I am one of the tongkat ali planters in Malaysia. I would like to share my experience regarding this plant species. I already plat this tongkat ali also know an eurycoma longifolia for 10 years. At first, my objectives was to make it as a hobby..but now I already plant almost 100 trees of tongkat ali.

The left picture was taken from my plantation in Bongawan Sabah. The age of this tongkat ali was 3 years old. According to literature, at this age you already can harvest the roots for medicinal purposes. But for me, I am willing to wait 2 year more. The current market price of this roots was said to be around rm50/kg green basis. As this tongkat ali was not a commodity the price differs from place to places.

More information regarding tongkat ali have been publish in the web, all of this information also suggest to me...There is a huge potentials in this plants.

New picture of my tongkat ali orchard